So most servers do error logging but if you want to improve this functionality you can modify your wp-config.php file with the following code snippet. It consolidates not only the PHP errors but also logs any WordPress bugs that get reported via WordPress debugging...
So I have found that the regular Directory Protection feature in CPanel does not work straight out of the box with WordPress installs. In the below code after you setup a protection through CPanel you can take the provided data and customize it to match what is...
Here is some code I found that can be used to protect a directory but tell the server to still allow access to specific files and folders. SetEnvIf Request_URI “(path/to/folder/)$” allow SetEnvIf Request_URI “(path/to/file\.php)$” allow Order...
The below command is set to search the home directory of the server for files that are larger than 200M into a new text file large_files. find /home/ -xdev -type f -size +200M -exec ls -la {} \; | sort -n > large_files
So I am trying to build a good robots.txt file that allows good bots while blocking others. User-Agent: * Disallow: / User-Agent: Googlebot User-Agent: Googlebot-Mobile User-Agent: Googlebot-Image User-Agent: Mediapartners-Google User-Agent: Adsbot-Google User-Agent:...