Customize the Thank You Text on WooCommerce order

If you happen to want to change the text that is shown at the top of the order received or order confirmation page after someone successfully checks out in WooCommerce you can do so by adding a filter to the woocommerce_thankyou_order_received_text hook.  You can put...

Disable Gutenberg via Filter

So the Gutenberg editor can be very interesting to use and very user friendly. If you are use to using other editors or layout systems then sometimes it is a good idea to disable it in the child theme.  All you have to do is add the following code to your...

Gravity Form Hooks

Hooks Run for Initial Form Load Enqueue Scripts gform_form_post_get_meta | FILTER gform_form_post_get_meta_{form_id} | FILTER gform_pre_enqueue_scripts | ACTION gform_pre_enqueue_scripts_{form_id} | ACTION gform_has_conditional_logic | FILTER...

WP pre_get_posts Usage

Using pre_get_posts can be very useful for optimizing a query on a looped page.  It allows you to add limitations or custom post types to the main WP query allowing you to do what you have been doing in two steps into one single step.  Here is one example of how to...

Yoast Descriptions and Visual Composer Resolution

So I ran into an issue where Yoast SEO was not auto-generating an excerpt for use within the Meta Description when a visual composer is being used.  When I say visual composer I mean like Divi or WP Bakery Visual Composer.  I was able to track down a filter that seems...