Disable PHP File Execution via .htaccess

Here is the code that you can put in your .htaccess file within a folder to disable php file execution.  It is very useful in the WordPress's wp-content/uploads directory for making sure files that get uploaded are not executable. <Files *.php> deny from all...

Encrypt and Decrypt Functionality

So there are times that I am in the need to encrypt data with the capability of decryption afterwards so md5 is not capable for me to use. $data = “Data to encrypt.”; $encryption_key = md5( $pass ); $encrypted_data = encrypt( $data, $encryption_key );...

Give View Entry access to a WordPress Role

So I came across this snippet of code recently when I was trying to find a way to give a user access to a form's entries based on a user role.  I did find that I needed to modify it a little bit for the menu side of things so that when you go to the view entries page...

IP Address Guide – CIDR to IP range convertor

http://www.ipaddressguide.com/cidr is a great tool that allows you to see what IP range a CIDR notation is.  Giving you the First IP address and Last IP address based upon the Classless Inter-Domain Routing. For instance Cloudflare uses the following IP addresses...

Limiting Robots using Robots.txt

So I am trying to build a good robots.txt file that  allows good bots while blocking others. User-Agent: * Disallow: / User-Agent: Googlebot User-Agent: Googlebot-Mobile User-Agent: Googlebot-Image User-Agent: Mediapartners-Google User-Agent: Adsbot-Google User-Agent:...