Custom Gravity Forms Popup Error Message

Here is a sample of code on how to show a custom popup error message. add_filter( ‘gform_validation_message_3', ‘sw_gf_validation_message', 10, 2 ); function sw_gf_validation_message( $validation_message ) { add_filter( ‘wp_footer',...

Give View Entry access to a WordPress Role

So I came across this snippet of code recently when I was trying to find a way to give a user access to a form's entries based on a user role.  I did find that I needed to modify it a little bit for the menu side of things so that when you go to the view entries page...

Gravity Forms Field Validation

So the basic way to add validation functionality to a form is by using the gform_validation filter.  This gives you the ability to look at the value entered into any field and then allow it to be submitted or display an error message. //runs validation on all forms...

Jump to Confirmation Message

So there are times where there is a need to jump to the confirmation that is being shown on the form page after submission.  Here are a few examples of how to do this. //popping down to confirmation message upon submission for all forms add_filter(...