Auto-Generate Meta Description in Yoast

So Yoast appears to have removed the ability for it to auto-generate the meta description based off of the content of the page or post.  Using this snippet turns Yoast into an automated SEO solution that will pull the first 250 characters of content to use within the...

Divi Accordion Customizations

So when it comes to Divi Accordion I didn't like how the first one was always open and there wasn't a way to close one without opening up another one.  So I came across the following code to accomplish what I was looking for. Here is the Javascript needed to give...

Hide Video Download in Divi

If you want it to be site wide, go into the Divi > Theme Options > Integrations and add the following code to the head area of your site. <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(‘.et_cstm_video video').attr(‘controlsList',...

Remove Video Download Link in Divi Video Box

So there are times where you want to try to protect the video on a page. Here is the jQuery that you should use. <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { if (jQuery(‘.et_pb_video_box').length !== 0) {...

Rename of Project Permalink in Divi

Put this in the functions file. function custom_project_name () { return array( ‘feeds' => true, ‘slug' => ‘videos', ‘with_front' => false, ); } add_filter( ‘et_project_posttype_rewrite_args', ‘custom_project_name ‘...